Small Talks — build deeper personal connections within your distributed team
Hi there!
This week we’re launching a new Small Talks feature (aka Watercooler).
One of the things we miss out on working from home is the random, informal, (yet sometimes inspirational and productive) social interaction with colleagues. These spontaneous conversations are good for both morale and productivity.
What if we could still have these interactions working from home?
Here’s how it works:
- As you may know, Remeet schedules all your topics within predefined blocks called “sync hours”; the same blocks of time are used for random small talks
- You agree with your team on one (or more!) sync hour per week
- Everyone gets a calendar invitation for that hour, and people can decline if they’re not available or busy
- About 15 minutes before sync hour start, we randomly create 2-4 person video rooms for 10-20 minute “small talks” based on availability.
- Everyone will get up to 2 different small talks during the hour and have informal conversations with colleagues
To make it easier to start discussions, Remeet will automatically populate the notes section with 3 random questions for you. If you have new question ideas, please add them here.
This is still an experimental feature and is not enabled by default. If you are an existing Remeet user — please let us know if you’d like to give it a try!
Not on Remeet yet? Let’s get in touch for a quick demo.
Other important updates:
- Preliminary agenda in the calendar — within 24 hours of sync hour, you’ll see a preliminary agenda right from your calendar. Some of our users have asked for an ability to see the preliminary schedule without a living calendar app. This capability requires a G Suite or Office 365 calendar integration.
- Multiple security improvements — we are continuously improving the security of Remeet and currently working to make it fully GDPR compliant. If you notice any degradation in user experience, please let us know.
Thanks for being our valued customers!
Remeet Team