Screen sharing in Safari, better user editors, and more
Hi there!
This is our regular weekly update. Please take a look and share any feedback.
New features / significant changes:
- Screen sharing in Safari, no extension needed for Chrome —- now you can screen share from your Safari browser. You may also uninstall our Chrome extension which was necessary to support the older versions of Chrome.
- Reworked users editor -— we reworked our user’s selector. Now you can drag and drop required / optional participants, as well as invite new users right from there.
- Tag topics with Slack channels after completion —- previously tags were editable only editable prior to the call.
- Support for IST and other half hour timezones.
Small improvements & bug fixes:
- [Bug] User cursors are not reliably displayed in the collaborative editor
- [Bug] Sporadic issues with incorrect user video/status display during video calls
- [Improvement] Displaying who and when created a topic
- [Bug] Fixed issue with topics published from very old drafts take priority due to older age
- [Improvement] Swapped Weekly / Once RSVP options as weekly is a lot more common
Some new materials:
- The whitepaper that explains why we’ve built meetter and key concepts
- Short two-minute introduction video
Thanks for being our valued customers!
Remeet Team