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New calendar, urgent-only, 5-minute breaks, and more

Hi there!

This is our regular weekly update. Please take a look and share any feedback.

New features / significant changes:

  • New calendar — we developed a new sync hour calendar that should provide a much better experience. There is still work lef to do, but you can already do more than previously, that is why we decided to release it now. new sync hour calendar

    • You can now see the availability of selected people on week by week basis
    • You can accept/decline on specific dates in (not just weekly)
    • You can also hide now weekends and night hours
  • Urgent-only — when you accept sync hours, you can now indicate that you are only available for urgent topics. Remeet will only schedule urgent topics with you during that time, and if there is none — you will receive a cancelation one hour in advance. urgent only
  • 5-minute breaks — this is a new user preference that tells the scheduler to add 5-minute breaks between your topics.

Small improvements & bug fixes:

  • [Improvement] Optimized video layout on recordings for 10+ people
  • [Improvement] Renamed “Emergency” to “Very urgent”
  • [Bug] Issue with not scheduling topics postponed for 4+ weeks

Remeet Team

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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